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Membership Benefits

Value of Membership

Membership Benefits: Get Involved
Audiovisual Conference

Continuing Education

Included in your annual membership is access to over 40 hours of exceptional live continuing education. All without leaving Victoria.
It is more than enough to meet the annual requirements. How much is that worth? Let's do the math:
Many available courses off Vancouver Island are priced approximately $40-$120 per hour of CE credit.
Travel costs: Approximately $150 round trip for a ferry and driver. Missing extra days of work to travel to a courses.
Hotel expenses: $150-300 a night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner out?
Let's take a conservative estimate. It would take three separate two day weekend courses in Vancouver to get approximately 40 hours of CE (3x 14h CE). Let's say you are only charged $50 an hour for the CE. You drive and take the BCFerries. And you stay two nights in a hotel at $150 per night. You pack your own meals.

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